Recently I was approached to do a Quinceañera. I will admit that I was a bit hesitant to take on the job just because I have never been to one. After doing some research I was sure that I could give them the great photos that the family was after. To those of you who don’t know, a Quinceañera is a celebration of a girl coming to age within the Hispanic culture. It is similar to a sweet 16 party. I’ll admit I was a bit nervous to shoot it but once I got started it really felt like a wedding. There was family, chambelanes and plenty of friends. I had a ton of fun and everyone was so cooperative. For the formals we went to the Walker Art Center as well as the amazing Guthrie Theatre. On a side note, the staff at the Guthrie is always so nice and accommodating to shoot there. Thanks to all of the staff at the Guthrie. I hope you enjoy the photos!